Youhug Series

《Divorce Lawyers》
Director: Yang Wenjun
Writer: Chen Tong
Starring: Wu Xiubo, Yao Chen, Zhang Meng, Fang Zhongxin, Han Yuqin, Jia Jinghui
Genre: Romance, Modern, Urban
《离婚律师》讲述了口齿伶俐,在律师界翻手为云覆手为雨的金牌律师池海东(吴秀波饰 )在事业上春风得意,却未料遭到老婆焦艳艳(张萌饰)给自己戴绿帽不说,两人的离婚案中自己一个个堂堂的律师却输给了妻子的代理律师罗鹂(姚晨饰)。从此对立的两个人一个刚离婚“累觉不爱”,一个受尽感情创伤,都不相信爱情的他们却总在阴错阳差之下代理同一个离婚案件甚至还成了生活中的邻居。身为离婚律师,他们帮助离婚委托人的双方心平气和地分手,鼓励他们开始新的生活,甚至有时劝和要离婚的夫妻;也帮助身边的家人朋友意义解决各种危机。经过一段时间共事的朝夕相处,罗鹂和池海东之间的关系,也从单纯的竞争对手发生了微妙的变化,两人逐渐被对方的才华和品格所吸引,这样两个平时爱吵闹并且都不相信爱情的离婚律师,最终还是日久生情,慢慢地走到了一起。
Synopsis: "Divorce Lawyers" tells the story of Chi Haidong (played by Wu Xiubo), a silver-tongued and influential lawyer who holds sway in the legal world. Little did he know that his wife Jiao Yanyan (played by Zhang Meng) would betray him, leading to their divorce. In the divorce case, Chi Haidong, a distinguished lawyer, finds himself losing to his wife's attorney Luo Li (played by Yao Chen). From that point on, the two find themselves in opposition—Chi Haidong exhausted by love and Luo Li scarred by emotional trauma. Despite their disbelief in love, fate brings them together as they coincidentally represent the same divorce case and even become neighbors in their daily lives. As divorce lawyers, they help divorcing couples amicably part ways, encouraging them to start anew, and sometimes even mediating between couples on the verge of divorce. They also help their friends and family resolve various crises. Over time, as they work closely together, the relationship between Luo Li and Chi Haidong undergoes a subtle change from fierce competitors to something more. They are gradually attracted to each other's talents and characters. In this way, two divorce lawyers, who are prone to arguments and skeptical of love, eventually develop affection for each other and slowly come together.