Youhug Series
《The Tomb of Ghost Mojin》
Director: Guan Hu, Fei Zhenxiang
Screenwriters: Feng Ji, Xu Su
Starring: Ruan Jingtian, Xu Lu, Hao Hao, Liu Chao, Li Yujie
Genre: Drama, Mystery
胡八一(阮经天饰)出国在即,整理旧物时翻出一张老照片。那时,他和胖子(刘潮饰)正作为知青在大兴安岭的山区插队。山里的生活让年轻气盛的他们如鱼得水,为了换几斤水果糖,上山打黄皮子(黄鼠狼),为了给人治病捉熊取胆,没想到二人误入一座坍塌的黄皮子祠。传说几十年前,一伙号称“泥儿会”的胡匪曾从黄皮子祠挖出一口描金嵌玉的箱子,随后这伙胡匪和箱子就一起消失在了漠北草原。 此时,恰逢战友丁思甜(郝好饰)来信邀请他们去草原做客,二人欣然前往,哪知正赶上牧牛受惊。为寻找丢失的牧牛,三人和牧民老羊皮进入俗称阎王殿的百眼窟。在这里,竟有一些日本“给水部队”的遗迹,一座没有房间的怪楼,一个编号是“0”的地下室更可怕的是,两只全身白毛的黄皮子一直尾随着他们的故事。
Hu Bayi (Ruan Jingtian) is about to go abroad when he discovers an old photograph while sorting through his belongings. The photo takes him back to the time when he and his friend Fatty (Liu Chao) were sent to the mountains of Daxing'anling as educated youth during the Cultural Revolution. Life in the mountains suited their youthful spirits, and they would venture into the mountains to hunt yellow weasels in exchange for a few pounds of fruit candy. They also captured bears to extract their gallbladders for medicinal purposes. However, one day, they accidentally enter a collapsed Huangpi Temple. Legend has it that several decades ago, a group of bandits known as the "Mud Gang" dug up a box adorned with gold and jade from the Huangpi Temple. Subsequently, the bandits and the box vanished into the desolate grasslands of northern China.
Meanwhile, Hu Bayi receives a letter from his comrade Ding Sitian (Hao Hao), inviting him and Fatty to visit the grasslands. Excitedly, they embark on the journey, only to encounter a stampede of frightened cattle. In their search for the lost cattle, the three of them, along with a local herdsman named Lao Yangpi, enter the infamous Baiyan Cave, also known as the "Palace of the King of Hell." To their surprise, they discover remnants of a Japanese "water supply unit," an odd building with no rooms, and a terrifying underground chamber numbered "0." What's even more chilling is that they are constantly followed by two fully white-haired yellow weasel