Youhug Series

《Ark Peace》
时长:32集 x 45分钟
Duration: 32 episodes x 45 minutes
Genre: Modern, Drama, Medical
Director: Cao Dun (Mainland China)
Starring: Chen Kun, Zhang Tian'ai
剧集根据海军“和平方舟”号医院船十余年来执行人道主义医疗救援任务的真实事迹改编。通过讲述以军医张渡航(陈坤 饰)、路阳(张天爱 饰)、院长孙诚海(王强 饰)、船长吴志方(赵魏 饰)、政委叶南(余皑磊 饰)等为代表的医院船官兵,在公海营救感染鼠疫的“菲尔”号货轮、勇斗“优雅”号商船贩毒分子,赴国外执行台风灾后医疗救援、抗击传染病、开展医疗服务等等精彩故事,艺术呈现了该船被赋予的“生命之舟”“和平之舟”“友谊之舟”“文化之舟”的“中国名片”形象,展示了中国海军“舰行万里、守卫和平”的使命担当,彰显了中国作为负责任大国的国家气度、国家力量。
The series is based on the true stories of the Chinese naval hospital ship "Ark Peace" and its humanitarian medical rescue missions over the past decade. It tells the inspiring tales of medical personnel represented by Zhang Duhang (Chen Kun), Lu Yang (Zhang Tian'ai), Hospital Director Sun Chenghai (Wang Qiang), Captain Wu Zhifang (Zhao Wei), and Political Commissar Ye Nan (Yu Ailei), among others. They undertake various remarkable missions, including rescuing the "Phil" cargo ship infected with a plague at sea, combating drug smugglers on the "Elegant" commercial vessel, providing medical assistance in foreign countries after typhoon disasters, fighting infectious diseases, and delivering medical services. The series artistically portrays the image of the ship as the "Ship of Life," "Ship of Peace," "Ship of Friendship," and "Ship of Culture," showcasing the Chinese Navy's mission to sail thousands of miles to safeguard peace and demonstrating China's national dignity and strength as a responsible major country.