Youhug Series

《Ice Fantasy》
时长:62集 x 45分钟
Duration: 62 episodes x 45 minutes
Genre: Historical, Romance, Fantasy
Director: Ju Jueliang (Hong Kong, China)
Starring: Feng Shaofeng, Victoria Song
卡索(冯绍峰 饰)和樱空释(马天宇 饰)是幻雪帝国的两位皇子,卡索天生淡泊名利,不想被王位的枷锁所禁锢,而樱空释则野心勃勃,不择一切手段也要坐上最后的王座。最终,卡索亲手杀死了双手沾满鲜血的樱空释,成为了幻雪帝国的新王。
Kaso (Feng Shaofeng) and Yingkongshi (Ma Tianyu) are two princes of the Fantasia Empire. Kaso is inherently indifferent to fame and fortune, unwilling to be bound by the shackles of the throne. On the other hand, Yingkongshi is ambitious and will stop at nothing to seize the ultimate seat of power. In the end, Kaso personally kills Yingkongshi, whose hands are stained with blood, and becomes the new king of the Fantasia Empire.
However, one day, Kaso accidentally learns of Yingkongshi's true intentions. Everything Yingkongshi did was for the sake of allowing his beloved brother to have a life of freedom. At the same time, a dangerous aura emanates from the Divine Snow Mountain. In response, Kaso gathers a group of skilled subordinates and sets off together. Little did they know that from the very beginning, Kaso and his companions fell into the trap of the mysterious and powerful Yuansacrifice. What kind of danger awaits them?